At that moment a Brahmin guru living in the city of Kalachampaka, who was a master of philosophy, accompanies by about 500 disciples passed by, on their way to bathe. The guru looked from afar and saw the Queen, a figure of exquisite grace and absolute beauty, sitting there at the rest-house. By the might of the Great Being in the royal womb, as soon as the Brahmin saw the Quen, he was enraptured by the thought that this was his younger sister. He ordered his disciples to stay outside and entered the rest-house alone. |
The Brahmin asked :" Sister, what township do you hail from?" The Queen answered :"Respected one, I am King's Aritthajanaka's queen, from the city of Mithila." The Brahmin asked :"For what purpose are you here?" The Queen answered :"When King Aritthajanaka was killed by Prince Polajanaka, I saw danger, so I fled to save my yet unborn seed." The Brahmin asked :" In this city, do you have any relative?" The Queen answered :" None,sir." The Brahmin said :"In that case,don't you worry. I am Udichabrahmana Mahasala, A guru leading the way to scores of disciples. I am installing you in the position of my rightful sister. I'lll safeguard you and take good care of you. Pray,repeat after me these words :'YOu are my elder brother.' Then, touch both my feet woth hands and begin to moan and wail." |
The Queen acknowledged his request ; she cried loudly, threw herself down and held both the Brahmin's feet. The two moaned and wailed. When the discoples heaard the moaning sounds of the Brahmin, They rushed into the rest-house, asking :"Master, what happened to you?" The Brahmin said:" My dear disciples, this woman is my long lost younger sister." The disciples said :" Now that you have found each other, you don't have to worry anymore." |
The Brahmin ordered them to bring a covered vehicle and have the Queen sit in it. He told his disciples :" You go and tell the Brahmani that this woman is my younger sister. And tell the Brahmani to take all the best care of her." Having said that , he sent the Queen on her way home. There the Brahmani had the Queen take a good hot bath and prepared a bed for her to sleep in. When the Brahmin came back home from his bath, he gave an order to invite the Queen for a meal, using these words: " Go and invite our sister to come." And he ate with her. |